Principal Desk

“We want the Education By which character is formed, Strength of Mind is Increased, The Intellect is Expanded, Any by which One Stands on One’s Own Feet .” —Swami Vivekananda.

Every child is like a seed which has the potential to grow if it is nourished with love and care under the right tutelage of mentors. As said by Albert Einstein, “Education is not the learning of facts; it is rather training the mind to think”. In today’s high tech fast paced world, we at AAPS, Nabha look to empower our children not only in academics, but also develop discipline, courtesy, confidence, social sensitivity, creativity and look to imbibe in them the true values and cultures of our beautiful nation. We believe that primary school is the foundation to lay down these holistic core values to pave the path for our children to blossom into responsible citizens of tomorrow.

As we progress towards the end of yet another academic session, I as the Principal of this prestigious school would like to place on record my sincere gratitude to the Director for being the guiding beacon, our very special children and parents for their enthusiasm and most of all the teachers and support staff for their sincere and unflinching cooperation to preserve and enhance the passion and curiosity of learning and setting lofty benchmarks of excellence.

I am sanguine that the vivaciousness of our children will keep giving us the reassurance and energy that they will reach for the sky and pursue their goals with undivided attention.