Physical Development

Physical Development

The physical domain covers the development of physical changes, which includes growing in size and strength, as well as the development of both gross motor skills and fine motor skills. The physical domain also includes the development of the senses and using them.

At AAPS Nabha, children are taught how to perform different activities with their fingers in coordination with their eyes such as grasping, releasing, reaching, pinching, and turning their wrist. These fine motor skills help kids perform tasks for daily living, like buttoning buttons, picking up finger foods, using a fork, pouring milk, going to the restroom, and washing their hands.

In addition to these fine motor skills, kids also learn to use their larger muscles, like those in their arms, legs, back, and stomach. Walking, running, throwing, lifting, pulling, pushing, and kicking are all important skills that are related to body awareness, balance, and strength. These skills allow your child to control and move their body in different ways.

We help in child's physical development by providing opportunities for age-appropriate activities. Plenty of opportunities to run around and play are provided to them for their gross motor skill development. For fine motor skill development activities like picking, grasping things up fitting them into slots, buttoning buttons, using scissors, holding a pencil, and do other tasks with their fingers and hands are conducted every day in classes.

Physical development is influenced by nutrition and illness. So, we make sure your kids have a healthy diet and regular wellness check-ups in order to promote proper child development.