Cognitive Development

Cognitive Development

Cognitive development refers to the process of how an individual acquires, organizes, and uses knowledge and mental abilities as they grow and mature. It encompasses a wide range of cognitive skills and processes that are essential for learning, problem-solving, reasoning, memory, and understanding the world around us. Cognitive development occurs throughout a person's lifespan but is most rapid during early childhood. A structured and rigorous academic curriculum is designed to challenge students' thinking abilities, problem-solving skills, and critical reasoning.

At AAPS we use problem-based learning approaches, where students engage in hands-on learning experiences that require them to think critically and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. For young children, play is a natural way to explore the world around them and develop their cognitive abilities. We encourage activities that involve imaginative play, puzzles, building blocks, and games that require problem- solving.

In addition to these fine motor skills, kids also learn to use their larger muscles, like those in their arms, legs, back, and stomach. Walking, running, throwing, lifting, pulling, pushing, and kicking are all important skills that are related to body awareness, balance, and strength. These skills allow your child to control and move their body in different ways.

We help in child's physical development by providing opportunities for age-appropriate activities. Plenty of opportunities to run around and play are provided to them for their gross motor skill development. For fine motor skill development activities like picking, grasping things up fitting them into slots, buttoning buttons, using scissors, holding a pencil, and do other tasks with their fingers and hands are conducted every day in classes.

Physical development is influenced by nutrition and illness. So, we make sure your kids have a healthy diet and regular wellness check-ups in order to promote proper child development.